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Harry the Hammer and Friends: an exhibition of art from the private collection of Bryan & Diane Ansell

From the 3rd to the 12th December 2021 Foundry will be hosting Harry The Hammer & Friends, an exhibition of art from the private collection of Bryan & Diane Ansell. On display will be roughly 20 pieces of original art that were used for various Citadel and GW publications dating back to 1983. 


Artworks include: 

  • Harry The Hammer, the cover of the first edition of Warhammer by John Blanche.
  • Lichemaster and his Retinue by Ian Miller.
  • Chaos Broo by John Blanche, cover of the first Citadel Compendium.
  • The Challice of Doom, winning entry in the vignette category of the first ever Golden Demon painting competition by Ivan Bartlett.

Buy your timed entry tickets here for £12 each.

This exhibition will be held at Wargames Foundry, East Stoke, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5QF.

Tel 01636 526886

For more details follow us on Instagram: WargamesFoundry or visit www.WargamesFoundry.com


The art on exhibition is owned by Bryan & Diane Ansell. Most of it was used by Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures on an assortment of products, such as games, books and miniatures, dating back to the 1980’s. References to any of those products is used for factual, historical, informational purposes only. GW owns intellectual property rights, copyrights & trademarks over its products. For more information visit their website.

Foundry Miniatures, Bryan Ansell and Diane Ansell are not associated with Games Workshop in any way and this exhibition is entirely independent of Games Workshop.

Pushchairs, prams, backpacks and other large items will not be allowed inside the exhibition. No unaccompanied minors.

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